Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Douglas Park Meeting - Thursday, March 15th

Douglas Park Cooperative will be meeting at KaffeeKlatsch next Thursday, March 15th at 7:00 pm. Our guest speaker will be Deputy Mayor Darryl Smith. He will be speaking on the topic of liquor control and specifically about a new policy that the Mayor's office has been working on to either replace or augment the current Alcohol Impact Area concept.

If there is time after this discussion, Darryl may be able to answer more in depth questions about the future of the Old 39.

At the previous Douglas Park Cooperative meeting, the full meeting was a discussion about how to deal with Chronic Public Inebriety and the negative effects it is having on our neighborhood. We resolved to pursue an Alcohol Impact Area for Lake City to try to curb the sales of specific brands of alcoholic beverages that are preferred by people suffering from Chronic Public Inebriety.

A request was sent to Richard Conlin, who spoke out in support of the AIA concept at the February North District Council meeting, along with a map showing the location of off premises licensees and the requested boundary. He submitted the request to Bob Scales, the lawyer who reviews the requests at the city, to review the idea and report back to Council with an assessment of how to proceed. The boundaries are to be established by City Council Resolution before we can make a request to the Liquor Control Board.

Another component of establishing an AIA is to provide stats. Part of this requires collecting and documenting empties. We have collected nearly 300 empty high alcohol by volume beverages in the last month. This data is used for making a before / after comparison to verify the AIA is working.

Below is the map that was part of the request sent to Richard Conlin on February 8th.

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