Monday, May 21, 2012

Parks Survey Results

The Virgil Flaim / Albert Davis Parks survey is closed now. There were 53 responses. You can see all the responses with timestamps here. 

The responses showed strong support for trimming the laurel hedge. The suggested configuration at the meeting was to trim 3 feet up from grade and own to ~6 feet on top. There was also strong support for flood lamps off of the existing light poles directed down along the north side where the prostitution, drug dealing, and illegal encampments are happening. 

Although there was a majority in favor of the temporary removal of the BBQs, there were also strong statements in favor of keeping them. It may be better to hold off on this action for now, see how increased legal usage helps,  and reserve it as an option if things do not improve.

There was concern about the "dusk to dawn" hours at the park making it unusable in the evening during the winter. It looks like this could use some more discussion. Lighting in the park along the pathway and flood lights along the north end would play a role in how the hours are adjusted.

The concerns about a kiosk seemed to be about the design of it. Parks has standard specifications for this and we can do a design review prior to initiating construction and install. The function would be to post park events.

The "no alcohol" and "code of conduct" signs have a majority support. There was one installed since the meeting at the playground area. Some of these signs along the perimeter ( possibly as part of the kiosk ) would be helpful as well. In addition, Parks will be posting restricted parking signs along the perimeter indicating no overnight parking.

One question that was not presented was in regards to restrooms at the park. This would likely get overwhelming support, but we are then presented again with the problem of it being used for illegal activities. If it were combined with a covered activities shelter, it may actually help with increasing the positive use of the park.

Here is a summary:

Question 1: ( 96% in favor )
Are you in favor of having the laurel hedge trimmed on the north side of Virgil Flaim to increase day time visibility?  
51 votes in favor, 1 against.

Question 2: ( 94% in favor )
Are you in favor of adding flood lights along the north side of Virgil Flaim to increase night time visibility? 

50 votes in favor, 2 against.

Question 3: ( 70% in favor )
Are you in favor of temporarily removing the two barbeques from Virgil Flaim as a crime prevention measure? 

37 votes in favor, 13 against.

Question 4: ( 77% in favor )Are you in favor of changing the hours the park is closed to "dusk to dawn"? 
41 votes in favor, 9 against.

Question 5: ( 81% in favor )Are you in favor of a kiosk on the southwest corner for posting events? 

43 votes in favor, 8 against.

Question 6: ( 92% in favor )Are you in favor of signage indicating "no alcohol allowed" and a "code of conduct"? 
49 votes in favor, 2 against.

Question 7:
Community events or changes you would like to see at the parks?

  1. We would love to see some summer progams for kidos there.  
  2. More police activity   The cops know whats going on there they just have other places to be.  
  3. Ice cream socials 
  4. The only reason I am against the kiosk is that I don't want people to use it as a place to use drugs.
  5. I'm in favor of removing BBQs only during the winter. 
  6. Skatepark.  Police patrols. 
  7. Ice cream, kids events, neighborhood potlucks like "night out" only more than once a year
  8. A skatepark there would be great; movie nights? more sporting events; a community yard sale, more visible signs for the park on the Dick's side as well as on the north side.
  9. Outdoor movie 
  10. A skate spot
  11. Movies, ice cream socials
  12. Sidewalk surrounding the park and paved parking alongside. 
  13. Open sport activities, movie nights, ice cream socials
  14. No panhandling; no dogs off leash
  15. The wording of q#4 is not accurate. It is either closed dusk to dawn or open dawn to dusk. Consuming alcohol in City parks is already not allowed. Posting signage is a waste of funds. Those who need to read codes of conduct, typically don't. As far as a kiosk: Do you mean an electronic type? I think that would be an unnecessary expense. Many parks have a bulletin board (sometimes a locked one with plexiglass protecting the flyers) for individuals who have reserved the park, to post flyers. If that is what you mean by "kiosk" then I would be in-favor of such an expenditure. As far as people urinating in the park goes, perhaps it would be good to pay for sanicans (ensuring one is w/c accessible), that are open during park-hours. It is quite unfriendly NOT having facilities, especially when the Lake City Professional businesses utilize the park during the spring through autumn months.
  16. Is it possible to add signs instructing park users to pick up after their dogs?  Is there funding in the Parks department for dog waste bags? Thank you Parks Dept for responding to our community's needs
  17. What a shame we have to deal with this...
  18. Bike cops
  19. I would be in favor of moving the park's hours to 10:00 pm to 4 am. In the winter it gets dark at 4 pm, and is too early for me to want the park closed.
  20. More kid events at the park!
  21. Any sporting sporting event, like volleyball 

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