Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Bring food donation to Thursday night meeting at Kaffeeklatsch

As part of our meeting on Thursday night with Deputy Mayor Darryl Smith, Douglas Park Cooperative would like to use the opportunity to collect food for a donation to the North Helpline Foodbank in honor of Jeff Inman, the homeless vet that passed away on our streets last week.

We will have a donation box at Kaffeeklatsch during the meeting so please bring food for our community to share with others in need.

North Helpline has provided a box for the collection and said that their most-needed items are:

Canned tuna, chicken, peanut butter, canned fruits and vegetables, 100% fruit juices, pasta, rice, macaroni, ketchup, mustard, light salad dressings, canned stews, chili, beef stew, chili, chicken noodle, Cheerios, Cornflakes, Grapenuts, Raisin Bran

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